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Gifford Primary School

Be Strong, Be Kind, Be Proud

Gifford Government & Climate Champions

Gifford Government and Climate Champions are formed by a representative from every class from Year 2 to Year 6. Reps nominate themselves and are then voted in by their class members and are identified with a badge.


Mrs Malik helps run Gifford Government and Climate Champions and they all meet regularly to discuss issues that affect our pupils. They also discuss and implement changes and events in the school, such as charities to support and how we will support them, which competitions we take part in as a school and the recruitment of new staff. They provide feedback on important parts of school life such as: activities we would like to see more of or introduced, equipment and resources needed,  attendance, school meals and all school events such as assemblies.


Any child in the school that would like an issue raised at a meeting can approach their class representative and they will represent that person and discuss the issue at the next meeting. 


What have the children worked on over the past years?


  • Charity events – Children in Need and Red Nose Day (we have organised events and activities and raised well over £2000 for these two worthy causes)
  • Set up competitions for children to take part in. Our biggest success was The Power of Poetry competition, where we had 12 children selected from thousands of entries, to have their original poems published in a book.
  • Awarded the first stage of Unicef UK’s Rights Respecting Schools Award (RRSA), Bronze: Rights Committed. This achievement shows that we are committed to promoting and realising children’s rights and encouraging adults, children and young people to respect the rights of others in school
  • Helped design and set up the ‘Meaningful Work Programme’


Gifford Government 2023 - 24 


Cabinet Members

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Teaching & Learning

Mrs Malik

Oracy and digital learning

Mr Lock

Wellbeing and pastoral

Mrs Tiago


Mr Bate


Why being part of Gifford Government is important

Cabinet Meeting Updates