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Gifford Primary School home page

Gifford Primary School

Be Strong, Be Kind, Be Proud

Home Learning

We value home learning here at Gifford as we believe it has many benefits, including:

  • Encouraging pupils to study independently
  • Developing perseverance and self-discipline
  • Embedding learning/practising skills learnt in the classroom
  • Enabling rapid progress to be made
  • Providing parents the opportunity to get more involved with the child’s learning 


Most home learning will be set online using Google Classroom, Mathletics, Timetable Rockstars, Reading Eggs or other platforms.


Work will be set each week on a Friday and will be due back on a Wednesday. In addition to this, once every half term, pupils will be given a topic project to complete at home.


For those pupils who do not have access to the internet at home or for those who just prefer to complete their tasks at school, each year group will run a ‘Homework Club’ once a week during a lunchtime.


Details for each ‘Homework Club’ are below:


  • Year 1 - Wednesday 
  • Year 2 - Monday
  • Year 3 - Wednesday
  • Year 4 - Thursday
  • Year 5 - Thursday
  • Year 6 - Friday