Assessment is a continuous process, which is integral to teaching and learning, allowing pupils to achieve their true potential.
Assessments aim to:
PiXL (Partners in Excellence) |
Gifford is a part of the PiXL network, which is a collaboration of over 1300 schools across the UK who share a common goal to raise standards.
The key strategic approach PiXL promote within every day teaching, is through effective use of data to sharpen the focus on the key gaps in students learning and then the implementation of specific personalised whole class teaching or group intervention for each pupil to enhance standards.
In Gifford, PiXL is used to assess Reading, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling and Maths in all years for Year 1-Year 6. Teachers carry out assessments, identify gaps and then plan to address the gaps.
Moderation |
To ensure assessments are accurate, Gifford take part in regular moderations, both internally and externally with colleagues from across the borough.
Reporting to parents |
Gifford Primary likes to work in partnership with parents and so regularly shares assessment information with parents both formally and informally though daily interactions, parents evenings and end of year reports.
Annual reports to parents include: