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Gifford Primary School

Be Strong, Be Kind, Be Proud

School Vision and Values

Our Vision:


• Promote a lifelong love of learning

• Provide children with a broad knowledge base on which to build at each new stage of learning 

• Equip children with key skills to enable them to become independent learners

• Challenge children to achieve the highest standards

• Celebrate diversity; develop confidence, self-worth and foster a positive vision of a child's future

• Develop our responsibilities as global citizens 

• Foster creativity and self-expression


Our Values: 


Be Strong, Be Kind, Be Proud 



We have a 'give it a go' attitude 

We start each day with a positive attitude 
We always try our best even when things are tricky 
We are resilient and don't give up; we keep going, learning from our mistakes and building on them  



We are kind to each other, children and adults  
We are kind to the new people we meet 
We are kind to our environment and to the living things in it  
We are kind to ourselves and our bodies 


We take pride in all our achievements
We take pride in our appearance and behaviour
We take pride in the work that we do
We take pride in our community