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Gifford Primary School

Be Strong, Be Kind, Be Proud



At Gifford Primary School we believe that Music is a powerful, unique form of communication that transcends different cultures, abilities and generations. Listening to and making music fulfils an instinctive human need for co-operation, collaboration self-expression and fostering creativity. We want our children to receive a diverse musical curriculum, experiencing the many different musical styles and traditions that are in the world. Music lessons and activities include performing vocally or with instruments, exploring sounds and composing as well as listening and responding to music of different styles and cultures. All these activities involve a development and understanding of the inter-related dimensions of music: pitch, duration (rhythm), dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture and structure.



Our curriculum is based on a progressive sequence of musical skills that are developed across the school. The lessons are devised into half termly units, with core themes that children can explore. These themes include a combination of ‘listening’, ‘performing’ and ‘composing’ skills that are developed with a core emphasis on musical vocabulary and musical knowledge. Pupils are able to experience a range of musical instruments, which enhances their musical learning and creativity. These include Keyboards, Ukuleles, Djembe and Cajon Drums, Steel Pans and Glockenspiels. In addition to these, the children also use a variety of percussion instruments. Music has links to our Topic Curriculum, which include units on Caribbean, Samba and Indian Music. This deepens and enhances their knowledge and understanding by being able to make musical connections to their Topic lessons. 



Assessment in music is evidenced within lessons, through recordings of class performances and individual compositions. Assessing children’s musical vocabulary happens through mini ‘musical vocabulary’ quizzes at the start or end of lessons, which greatly helps children to enhance their knowledge of technical musical terms. Musical Skills and a child’s knowledge of the subject will also be assessed in order to decide whether they are working towards, at expected or working above the expected standard. 


Early Years

In the Foundation Stage Music is covered in Expressive Arts and Design. Children explore sounds and how to change them through the use of instruments including their voices. Children are provided with opportunities to compose, perform and discuss music from the world around them. Through stories, poems and songs children explore rhyme and rhythm.

Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Progression

Music Development Plan