Nursery admissions |
In our Nursery, we offer 26 full time places (30 hours per week) and 52 part-time places (15 hours per week). These sessions are term time only.
We accept children into Nursery the term after their 3rd birthday, as long as we have vacancies. Children must be toilet trained before attending.
Nursery Admission Criteria:
If you would like to check your eligibility for 30 hours free childcare, please apply using the following link. If you are eligible for funding you will receive a code which you need to include on your application form. Our 30 hour terms and conditions can be found below with details of our criteria and the charges that apply for funded and non-funded places.
Please see below for the Nursery Application form should you wish to apply for a Nursery place or alternatively, please visit the school office for a paper copy of the application form. Please return your completed application form to the school office or via email to:
In the event of our Nursery being oversubscribed, your child will remain on our waiting list until a place becomes available.
Please note a place in our Nursery does not guarantee a place on our Reception.
Reception admissions |
The Local Authority is responsible for allocating places for Gifford Primary School.
Click here to apply for a place and information on the admission criteria.
If you have a question about your child’s application, please contact the Ealing Council School Admissions team on 0208 825 5511 (open 9am to 12pm, Monday to Friday only).
Parents must apply directly to the council that you are living in at the time of application, regardless of the borough the school is in. The deadline for Academic Year 2024-2025 is 15th January 2025.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school on 020 8845 4661 or email if you have any queries.
In-year admissions |
Gifford Primary School is a popular and oversubscribed four-form entry school with a Published Admission Number (PAN) of 120 pupils per year group. We are committed to upholding high educational standards and fostering a supportive, inclusive environment for all our pupils.
For deferred entry or admissions outside the standard age range, please refer to the Ealing Council guidance and policies below, as the Local Authority manages our Reception - Year 6 admissions.
Click here to apply for a in-year place and information on the admission criteria. The process and contact details are same as above, however, there is no deadline for in-year admission applications.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school on 020 8845 4661 or email to arrange a visit prior to submitting an application or if you have any queries.
High school admissions |
Click here to apply for a place and information on the admission criteria.
Applications must be made directly to the council that you are living in at the time of the application, regardless of the borough the school is in.
The deadline for applying for high school is 31st October 2024. Applications received after this date are classed as late and will not be considered until after national offer day.
If you do not have access to the internet or need help completing your application, please contact the school office on 020 8845 4661 or the Ealing Council School Admissions team on 0208 825 5511 (open 9am to 12pm, Monday to Friday only) or email