What is the Parent Forum? |
The Parent Forum is a partnership between parents and the school. It is a valuable way to share ideas and make suggestions for improvement.
It aims to:
- Work together collaboratively to improve the education provided for our children
- Share information, knowledge and skills
- Meet in a mutually supportive environment
- Further improve communications between parent/carers and staff/governors
- To work in a consultative way
- To foster an active partnership between home and school
- Discuss and evaluate school-related issues
- The group will meet regularly, at least once a term
- Members of the pastoral team or a senior leader teacher will chair the meetings and take minutes
- Other members of staff/parents/speakers may be invited to attend for a specific reason, depending on the agenda
Golden rules for all members to observe during meetings |
- Respect confidentiality and never name individual teachers, pupils, members of staff or other parents
- Support and be guided by the chair of the meeting
- Keep to time and the agreed agenda
- Respect others suggestions, viewpoints and ideas by letting them finish without interruption
Individual concerns/complaints need to be addressed with the relevant staff member (following normal school procedure) and will not be discussed at the meetings. The names of individual children or members of staff will not be used at the meetings.