Our PSHE curriculum aims to expose our students to a wide range of experiences that will help them navigate the moral, social, and cultural challenges of growing up. Our ultimate goal is to equip them with a solid understanding of risk and the skills needed to make safe, informed decisions, thereby boosting their confidence and sense of self-worth. We also seek to ensure that our students understand their rights and responsibilities. To that end, the Gifford school values ‘Be Strong, Be Kind, Be Proud’ are integrated into the PSHE curriculum, enabling our students to become active and compassionate citizens of their local, national, and global communities.
Our PSHE curriculum follows Ealing's PSHE scheme of work and offers a variety of child-centered activities to make learning enjoyable. It is based on the DfE's "Statutory Relationships, Sex and Health Education guidance," which lays out learning descriptors for each unit of work. In addition to weekly PSHE lessons, the school offers bespoke activities, assemblies, and events that support and enhance PSHE education. Safeguarding, Fundamental British Values, and SMSC are incorporated throughout, promoting spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development.
The PSHE curriculum is divided into three core themes: Health and Well-being, Living in the Wider World, and Relationships. Each term, these themes run progressively from Nursery to Year 6, with each year group covering the same theme at the same time. The delivery of Relationships Education, developed in consultation with staff, parents, and governors, is included in these themes.
Our PSHE curriculum's impact is broad and deep, equipping our students with the skills and knowledge to keep themselves and others mentally and physically healthy, communicate effectively, collaborate, and interact respectfully.
The RSHE encompasses three areas of learning, namely Relationships and Health Education, Sex Education, and Health and Wellbeing Education. In primary schools, the former two are compulsory, while parents have the right to withdraw their child from some Sex Education lessons that do not form part of the science curriculum. However, we recommend that you discuss this with us beforehand.
Our lessons follow the Ealing RSHE framework and cover various topics such as health and wellbeing, healthy and unhealthy relationships (including bullying and harassment), living in the wider world, migration, charity, mental health and resilience, homelessness, drugs and alcohol education, online safety and risk of harm, and relationships and sex education. Throughout these lessons, we place emphasis on safeguarding, SMSC, and British values, which serve as the golden threads tying the curriculum together.
Early Years
In the Foundation stage PSHE is covered in Personal, Social and Emotional Development. The focus is on children’s wellbeing, involvement and providing them with a sense of belonging. Stories and role play are used to help children develop an understanding of their own and others feelings and how to respond to them. Children are supported with managing their emotions and understanding how to respond to events that happen in their lives.