We have high expectations at Gifford and know that good behaviour is essential in order for children to have positive relationships with others, be successful and achieve highly at school. We are a caring school community whose aim is that every member feels valued and respected and that each person is treated well and fairly. To achieve this, the school's behaviour policy sets out our expectations so all members of our school community can live and work together in a safe, happy and secure environment.
Our approach to managing behaviour centres on the importance of developing positive relationships, teaching, modelling and rewarding good behaviour. The behaviours we expect to see are made clear to the children through our school rules and are recognised and rewarded in a variety of ways. We have a responsibility to help children understand that they have choices about how to behave and help them to develop strategies to make appropriate choices.
Rewards |
Staff praise children for good learning and good behaviour choices at every opportunity as we believe it helps to develop our core values: ‘Be strong, Be kind, Be proud’. Class Dojos are used to celebrate when children demonstrate our school values, follow school’s rules and show good behaviour. Where children go above and beyond, our behaviour ladder details the use of certificates and prizes as well as families being informed either by a phone call or in person.
Unacceptable Behaviour |
We recognise that there will be occasions when children display inappropriate behaviour and we will always try to identify the underlying causes of such behaviour. Every classroom displays our behaviour ladder that clearly identifies the steps staff must use to challenge unacceptable behaviour. This allows for consistency within the classroom and other shared spaces where children learn and play.
Racism, bullying, homophobic discrimination and sexual harassment or sexual violence are not tolerated at Gifford. If an incident has occurred, we ensure it is fully investigated and those involved understand the impact of their behaviour on others. Parents/carers are always informed if their child has been involved in an incident and an age appropriate sanction is issued to the aggressor in line with our Behaviour Policy. Restorative justice and supported reflection occur during any sanctions issued.
If a child is worried or concerned about the behaviour of another child towards them or others, they can speak to their class teacher or another trusted adult in school or place a written concern in the worry monster or worry box.